How to send HTML in Gmail

Sending an Interactive e-mail for your business.

Nithin AG
2 min readNov 24, 2020
Writing business email is a very important step in growing your busin
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Sending an e-mail to the clients for a business purpose is a very important thing. You need to be very careful while choosing your words and at the same time you need to maintain aesthetic in your mail.

Using HTML in your mail you can make it look nice and make it interactive. This increases the chances of users getting into your business.

Steps to follow while preparing HTML e-mail

1. Prepare your mail format and content

Grab a sheet of paper and write what and all the things need in your mail. Sketch the position of the images that you need, hyperlinks, button,s etc.

2. Prepare HTML code for the above.

If you are not ok with preparing the HTML code. You can drag and drop the components instead. Use bee free tool for that.

Refer to the below story for that.

3. Open Gmail and put three dots in the body of the mail.

4. Click Edit HTML and paste the HTML in the place of three dots.

Note: Images used in the email must be available publicly/ hosted in a server.

5. You can see your prepared mail like this!

You can put references to the elements for the user to get into your link.



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