A solution to monitor students’ concentration in an online class.
Do you prefer online learning or traditional classroom learning? If you are serious about your studies, you would definitely choose classroom learning.
Children learn better in a classroom than in an online class. Reasons for this are :
- In traditional classroom learning, the teacher monitors students' attentiveness as they can see everybody’s face. In online learning, they cannot watch everybody’s face to understand their mood and adjust to the student's pace and mindset.
- Children in classroom learning, have a sense of fear of teachers and they pay attention to the teacher's words. But in an online class, they have fear of none as they are not being watched.
We have built software as a solution which focuses to solve the above two mentioned problems.
It is an online learning platform where,
- Teachers can register and start online classes by inviting students.
- Student and join the invited class.
- Teachers get a live report of students’ behaviour during class in the form of line and bar charts.
- Students get their attention scores after the end of the session.
We have used AI to monitor all the students, leaving teachers to just focus on teaching.
How does it work?
- Students need to turn on their cameras during their class. The client takes a screenshot of the student's face at a certain frequency.
- These pictures are sent to an AI server.
- Teachers get the live reports as a response.
3. If there is any warning, the response warns that particular student.
4. When the class is ended by the student, he/she gets the attention score along with feedback comments.
Like yawning, no_student there are many parameters AI looks for to calculate student’s attention score. Not all parameters are warned to the student, but everything gets stored in the database.
At the end of the meet, student get their concentration report.
Not all children can concentration on teaching without watch. In online classes an AI can do the job of monitoring. In this project we are making use of mediapipe framework to process images in real-time.
It was a part of my internship project. I would love to hear your feedback.